Read a Letter from a Silverado Hospice LA Family

September 12, 2022

The following message was sent to the Silverado Hospice Los Angeles team after her father received care from us. We are sharing this publicly with her encouragement:

Hi, Barry,

As promised, I want to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to you and the whole Silverado Hospice team–I keep marveling how the timing to receive your services for my dad was so perfect and poignant…and honestly how we (my mom, sister and I) could NOT have done this epic milestone of life–be with my dad in his final moments–without your expertise, education, compassion and practical help. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

From the initial call with Corina, I felt a sigh of relief that this could be the best possible option for my dad given his health status and all the pain he had endured the past year, in particular after his amputation. I kept thinking how different a tone everyone at Silverado had: I had grown a bit jaded and guarded in the past year while dealing with the medical community–it seemed that my dad was spoken of in clinical, sterile terms, not with compassion at all. Yes, I gave grace to everyone at Kaiser and at Skilled Nursing, knowing that all the Covid restrictions were wearying for EVERYONE in the medical community, but honestly, I just came to expect that dealing with anyone in the medical community re. my dad’s health would be a clinical, abrupt interaction.

Then… Silverado!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ After Corina, meeting you, Barry, I cannot thank you enough for not only “being there” emotionally for my mom, sister, and me, but walking us through the whole process, even when there were minor issues (which I have come to know are normal–DME deliveries or rather Apria pick-ups, ha ha, thank you for all your help with THAT!!), and just being a needed sounding-board…..I have said it over and over already to you but you are extremely professional, compassionate AND detail-oriented. It’s so sad to say that it SURPRISED me over and over how attentive, compassionate and REAL you were….everyone at Silverado, actually.

Then there was Katherine, who was like a compassionate midwife for us during those few, but very intense, days as my dad was transitioning. All the “death process” and language was really foreign to us, so I was struck how she was firm and honest to inform us he was dying, but with such compassion and PRESENCE, holding our hands and our hearts through the whole process…In our faith, we talk about people being “the hands and feet of Jesus” or “Jesus with skin on” πŸ˜‡–that is how I felt about Katherine and actually ALL of you at Silverado, and if you know me at all and how my relationship with Jesus is my reason for being, then you would know this is basically the highest compliment I can give! πŸ€— It brings me to tears just thinking about how each of you did your job SO WELL, as a sweet, redemptive gift from God to my dad and my family. 

Silverado provided my dad honor, compassion, practical help, and dignity. You provided my mom, sister and me guidance, patience, your compassionate presence and such wisdom. These are all priceless and intangible, really–but make me so grateful that the gritty and raw process of going through the death process with our beloved dad was soothed and comforted by such an amazing team.

Also, Jesus Parcasio was amazing as our spiritual counselor–my dad REALLY responded to him well!! And my mom, sister and I took such comfort in his singing and Scripture reading…it was like a worship service when he would come! And Nazrene, while being an expert nurse, also got some sweet smiles and responses out of my dad!. Again, everyone was SO expert and knowledgeable in their professional roles. Also shout-out to Ling, Daleth and Samantha (I did not get to meet Ling in person, but Ling, thank you!!) who each were impactful in their roles to look in on my father and provide expert care. And Raman, whom I look forward to speaking with in the future as we grieve my dad’s passing–well, when she called last week, it was like soothing balm to my heart to remember to receive refreshment and self-care as I go through these times making sure my mom is OK, etc.

Needless to say, each one of your Silverado team has made a lasting impression and my response is SUCH heartfelt gratitude!!! I feel like everyone is in a very sacred, key role and I hope they know it. You, too, Barry. You have helped my family in ways that this long (lol!) email cannot even express. 

Thank you, Barry, you’re the best!!! Woot!!

Noriko M.
